
Showing posts from October, 2019

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Menchu of Menchuna: A Hidden Gem in Tobesa, Punakha

Nestled in the serene village of Menchuna, Tobesa, Punakha, lies the mysterious and historical site of Menchu. As its toponym may suggest, Menchuna is a place where tradition and nature intertwine in fascinating ways. Once renowned for its medicinal hot springs, Menchu has a story that reflects both the resilience of its people and the enduring allure of its natural gifts. Here’s a journey into the intriguing tale of Menchu and its place in the heart of Bhutan. The Legacy of Menchu: A Once-Prominent Hot Spring Menchu was once celebrated as a revered hot spring, its waters believed to hold remarkable healing power with medicinal as well mineral properties. For centuries, the people of Bhutan trekked to Menchuna, as it is ideally situated near traditional Punakha-Thimphu trek trail. The hot springs, with their mineral-rich waters, were a vital source of therapeutic relief, providing solace and healing to countless visitors. The Struggle and the Change However, as is often the case with p

Teaching Habits that Helped me Reduce Waste of Energy

I eat four heavy meals a day from Monday to Friday. I do this to replenish the depleting energy that result from tiring teaching hours. However, I realized that eating four meals a day does very little to replenish the lost energy. To sustain my interest in teaching and to hone by teaching capacity, I had to undergo habit diagnosis with deep introspection of my daily teaching habits. Today, I will share with you some practices and habits that helped me replenish my energy from morning till evening every day, all round the seasons. 1. Have fun with students Most of the time I was too much into rules, maintaining the order, disciplining the children, managing the class, controlling the noise level and running the class smoothly. If I am not in one of those, I was into far serious business of making myself clear. As I engage and hang on more and more to such practices, I have failed to realize what I now realized. I hardly liked what students enjoy and students seldom enjoy what I

Call for Regulation of Regional Tourism

“…When Bhutan opened to foreign tourist in the 1970s, our leaders resisted the temptations to harness the quick fortunes from mass tourism and was instead was prescient to formulate a visionary policy of High Value-Low Volume tourism. The wisdom of our tourism policy has led to the emergence of a strong Brand Bhutan - an exclusive destination.” -His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo Ever since Bhutan started welcoming foreign tourist in 1970s Bhutan became one of the top scorers as an exclusive tourist destination. Our country was able to harness the immense potential of tourism under the precondition of comprehensive planning and visionary leadership of His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck. With “High Value-Low Volume” tourism policy, tourism is one of biggest revenue earners that contribute to our economic development. The cautious planning and visionary policy not only generated substantial revenue but also shielded us from many of the negative impacts and pitfalls o