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Menchu of Menchuna: A Hidden Gem in Tobesa, Punakha

Nestled in the serene village of Menchuna, Tobesa, Punakha, lies the mysterious and historical site of Menchu. As its toponym may suggest, Menchuna is a place where tradition and nature intertwine in fascinating ways. Once renowned for its medicinal hot springs, Menchu has a story that reflects both the resilience of its people and the enduring allure of its natural gifts. Here’s a journey into the intriguing tale of Menchu and its place in the heart of Bhutan. The Legacy of Menchu: A Once-Prominent Hot Spring Menchu was once celebrated as a revered hot spring, its waters believed to hold remarkable healing power with medicinal as well mineral properties. For centuries, the people of Bhutan trekked to Menchuna, as it is ideally situated near traditional Punakha-Thimphu trek trail. The hot springs, with their mineral-rich waters, were a vital source of therapeutic relief, providing solace and healing to countless visitors. The Struggle and the Change However, as is often the case with p

Education during COVID-19: An Introspection

When the voices of children are heard on the green, 
And laughing is heard on the hill, 
My heart is at rest within my breast, 
And everything else is still. 
-William Blake (Nurse’s Song) 
We miss our students on the school lawn. We missed your entry and exit at gate. We have nothing but wish for you to be with us; sharing your dreams and aspirations. We miss the fun with you and run after you. We miss your cheers and dribbles on the playground. We dearly miss your smiles and stories. We miss your voices and ideas. Your art and handwriting too. No matter how unintelligible and indecipherable they are, they are dear to our heart. “Only know the lights when it’s burning low” make better sense now. 
COVID-19 labored hard to interrupt the assumption and popular understanding of education and schooling though it took us by surprise. Schools, the cradle of future Bhutan is missing her visionaries, thinkers, writers and artisans. Leaders, planners, and makers of Bhutan in making are a pause. The power of words, potency of images, the wisdom of literature and the profundity of philosophy no more hold their personality in their absence. Classes are nothing more than walls and books are just bunch of papers. However, this is not an end for anyone else. It was harbinger of change. It took us to the gateway of new entry, higher level of understanding and better outlook at future of education. 
Whilst providing free access, quality and equitable education to all student is at the heart of Education Ministry and Minister, there is no suitable option than closing school for safety of nation with first case of COVID-19 in the country. No matter how learned, educated and experienced you are, we are equally novice in the face of COVID-19. 
Schooling stopped but not education. Schooling must be separated from educating and it must be adequately understood in the context of closing schools but not education. Volunteers rushed in to fill the gap. Teachers did their part. Although social media accusation of teachers enjoying fat teaching allowance need no rebuttal, at least a understating that accusation hold no water is necessary. Yet any argument that belittle the colossal impact of closure of schools on education system are blunt words void of substance. Closure of school affected everyone not just academically but morally and all other aspects of humanity. Stakeholders are cognizant of its harms and damages on everyone. This needs no further explanation and examples. These are our problems and limitations. Too much analysis and dwelling among limitation is only as good as exposing oneself to hazard. Good thing is that even limitations are limited. “Those who seekth findth” and our solutions are nowhere far.
All along the way, discussion of outmoded education system, unpredictable future, and inescapable education death-valley had been dissected with entire organ out. Whilst everyone assert know how and pen their expertise on education, none of the warning invited enough brains into action. It neither channeled any extra dose of energy to absorb the concussion. The words and thoughts buzzed around and bolted away from essence. Nonetheless, not all is lost. In recent development, Minister of Health was quoted saying, “In school reopening there is no end to COVID-19 and we have to live with COVID-19. With Central Schools it will be one basket and contained. MoE is looking at how education should be reformed to live with COVID-19” by a paper. Education Ministry is looking forward and making cautious move to normalize the education system and schooling in far more wiser and conscious ways. Complexity of future is finally finding her footing in our plans and policies because we now who know what complexity and challenges look like. We, for the least, have an idea of complexity of future problems education system will encounter. 
Meeting students

Under the benevolence and dynamism of His Majesty the King’s leadership, the education fraternity can assure that we will come stronger, wiser, and prepared enough to resolve any problems that we may encounter in future. Education fraternity must always expect the unexpected but we must never stoop and topple at its face. If experience is the best teacher, we had best of the brightest. We must look at the rear view mirror and relentlessly strive to grasp complexity of future and successfully navigate through the storms of various multitude and magnitude hereafter.

I have so much to thoughts on future of education whether they count or not but I shall reserve it for another time.


  1. Pleasure reading your remarkable work. Keep writing Manchi����

  2. It was a previlage to read ur thoughts Singye. Great writing!!! Looking forward for more.


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