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Menchu of Menchuna: A Hidden Gem in Tobesa, Punakha

Nestled in the serene village of Menchuna, Tobesa, Punakha, lies the mysterious and historical site of Menchu. As its toponym may suggest, Menchuna is a place where tradition and nature intertwine in fascinating ways. Once renowned for its medicinal hot springs, Menchu has a story that reflects both the resilience of its people and the enduring allure of its natural gifts. Here’s a journey into the intriguing tale of Menchu and its place in the heart of Bhutan. The Legacy of Menchu: A Once-Prominent Hot Spring Menchu was once celebrated as a revered hot spring, its waters believed to hold remarkable healing power with medicinal as well mineral properties. For centuries, the people of Bhutan trekked to Menchuna, as it is ideally situated near traditional Punakha-Thimphu trek trail. The hot springs, with their mineral-rich waters, were a vital source of therapeutic relief, providing solace and healing to countless visitors. The Struggle and the Change However, as is often the case with p

Story of Sweets

I went to a shop for a cane of fish. I  The fact in the above story is shopkeeper is gaining small amount of profit at the cost of his moral conduct and character. Is it worth it? Will you repeat his dark doing?  charged Nu. 72. I paid the shopkeeper Nu. 75 who gave me 3 sweets instead of Nu. 3. I confessed, “I don’t eat sweets” but he insisted on keeping them as he does not have change. Next day I went to same shop for a bottle of tomato sauce. The Maximum Retail Price was Nu. 97. I paid Nu. 95 and gave back two sweets. To my surprise, shopkeeper rejected the payment. I said that was the same sweet he gave me the other day, but he said that’s a different case. I protested for a while yet he again claimed and debated about the cases being different. He frowned a bit at me too. So I paid him Nu. 5 and he gave me three more sweets. Liverpool University Image  I wondered why those two cases are different. To me, both of us are doing business whether buying or selling and cases a

Why Slash Classes on Saturdays: A Perspective

When most of the Civil Servants were exempted from going to office on Saturdays, hands were raised in agreement. Now, with talks of doing away with classes on Saturdays around eyebrows were raised by most people on social medias except by those in schools. To keep the skepticism at bay here are some logical explanations on why Saturdays should be Sunday for schools. 1. Relaxation from Academic Fatigue Academic fatigue for both teachers and students as a result of engaging in teaching-learning from Monday till Saturday seriously injure the achievement and enthuasim. Considerable weight of job-hatred is also induced by academic fatigue. It will be sound policy to have enough leisure time. 2. Learning is not only schooling business Our intuitions are wrongly framed to associate all learning to schooling. This association should be wiped off by the fact that learning is also a business beyond schooling. Learning is Jigsaw puzzle and there are missing links because we compel student

Call for Mindful Change in Education System

Education system is everybody's  piece of dough to knead. What are we making out of it? While we're  green with envy for outstanding education system (such as Finnish Education System), our education system may become butt of all jokes and failures. All of us including educators like me are in rush hour to change the current education system before clearly understanding what the problems are how could they be addressed. Most people demanding change in education system, driven by shallow flippancy, aren't  sure why and how education system should be changed. The consequences of change are in our dream land too, yet to fall. We're  all looking forward for dynamic and next to perfect education system. Thus, change is inevitable. But how? We've  asked enough questions and probably some of us have answers too. In fact we have already embarked on the journey to change. But are we doing it right? Aren't  we putting round pegs in square holes? Aren't  we bein

Story of westbound love and eastbound traveler

Foothing all through, The eastbound traveler Banked his trust to the lone road, Befriend soulful songs, Went seeking alms, Begging, Improvished.

A Brief Narrative on Lhasel (Bon Oblation) of Jaray Gewog

Personal Recollection and Commentary (June 17, 2018) With the end of Saga Dawa (Fourth Month of Lunar Calander)the unison sing song verse of "Wayo Wayo" had already began in villages of Jaray Gewog. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth day of fifth month is special part of cultural bonanza for people of Jaray. Cultural bonanza I'm meaning here is splendour of reenacting the epic visit of Bon Lha centuries ago. In my heart, I could hear the child within me sing the verse aloud from hills of Yedang. Thanks to the rich culture.

Meta Moment at Chorten Kora (June 26, 2018)

Eyes of Compassion Lord I shall wilfully submit my woeful self To thy gaze that shines sympathy Defrost my sinful soul to it's quintessence and clarity. Lord Grant my soul This moment of mind over matter Let it be fertile and convertible Hereon Everyday The Holy Chorten Kora Stupa

Historical Account of Mangzee Brak Waterfall

The waterfall of Mangzee Brak (aka Mangzee Brak Chuthor) is remarkable creation of nature that cascades down the foundational cliff of Yedang giving scenic and satisfactory view to flocks of Paam. Water falls from the height of around one hundred meters high cliff crashingg down into a beautiful shallow pool. On sunny days it is festooned with myriad coloured rainbows as if it is permanently etched on the background rock.

Chutheegang and its history

If what I heard as a child wasn't wrong, village of Ngangla Kharchung was warned by a forefather (by a Lama to be precise)that in the era of degeneration river banks of Chuthegang will loss itself to test of time and confluence will be at the current footpath. The work has already begun, it seems. To those who don't know much about this place, Chethegang is a small land mass at the confluence of streams from Pam and Ladrong village, Jaray, Lhuntse.